It is important for the Squadron to be standardized. We all want to play from the same sheet of music, as it were, to present a formidable offense against the enemy. The procedures below are designed not only to enhance our offensive position, but to increase the chances of coming home alive.


Mission Priorities: The DHBG mission priorities are:

1) Bring airplanes and crews home safely
2) Hitting assigned targets
3) Shooting down enemy airplanes.

Membership: All members are encouraged to recruit new pilots. We are looking for experienced bomber and fighter crews.

Awards: Any member can nominate another member for a medal or ribbon due to action on behalf of the Squadron.

Award Nomination Criteria: The Squadron Staff Officers have discussed and put together a general criteria for nominations. It is
subjective in certain instances but has been designed to provide a more uniform means of awarding recognition to deserving pilots.

Rank: The DHBG has no ranking system. Everyone is a Dickweed with equal privileges.

Staff Officers: The Squadron Staff Officers are to work together to handle squadron activities. The Commanding Officer encourages input
from any staff officer or member. However, the C.O reserves the right to make the final decision on any matter pertaining to the Squadron.

Squad Radio Channel: All members should be certain they have access to the Squad channel 4 (118 when flying combined OPS).

Avoid excessive or unnecessary chatter on radio channels used by the whole Squadron. Do not give flying lessons to anyone on a squad channel during a mission or while in one of the combat arenas. Flying instruction is reserved for the training arena only.

Email: All aircrews should be certain they are on the proper email list. See Email Policy. All members should maintain a
current email address for Squadron news and mission announcements. Changing or cancelling the email contact (usually
signified by returned email with a "permanent, fatal errors" message) without notification to the Squadron may result in dismissal and no re-instatement.

Missions: Any squadron member may, and is encouraged to, propose a mission against enemy forces.
ACM: Approval by squadron staff is required before boarding additional crewmembers or gunners who are not DHBG personnel.
This became necessary after we uncovered two incidents of enemy agents flying as gunners on our airplanes.
Aircraft Commander: The Aircraft Commander is responsible for his airplane and crew. He may, and should, deviate from any
policies and procedures, as necessary, to complete the mission objectives and priorities. Commanders who return their airplanes
safely receive a score 'multiplier' which increases their score.

In Flight (recommended procedures)

1. Be sure that joysticks, throttles, and rudder pedals adjusted and calibrated before missions.
2. Do not fly online in any kind of "easy mode" or with "auto takeoff," "stall limiter," or "auto combat trim."
3. Try to familiarize yourself with the Squadron mission briefing message and navigation charts for each mission.
4. Be familiar with the target designations as shown on the mission maps and charts. (download links on main menu)
5. If you are carrying gunners or observers, arrive in the tower early to get them onboard.
6. Load your fuel and ordnance as per the mission directive.
7. Be sure to verify proper gun convergence settings and ordnance loadouts before leaving the hangar.
8. Make sure that "voice activated" microphone is not enabled. This causes echoing and reception problems.
9. Check gunsight zoom setting so that you aren't surprised later during combat.
10. Check sidearm. DHBG crews are required to carry a sidearm on all flights.

1. Use full power and max RPM for all takeoffs.
2. Use 1st flap extend setting for heavy weight (50% fuel or more) takeoffs in B-17 and B-26.
3. Do not retract gear until a positive rate of climb has been established.
4. If an immediate turn after takeoff is made, leave the flaps out for that turn, then retract flaps at safe speed and altitude.


1. Try to maintain a close enough formation so that you are never out of gun cover from the other bombers.
2. Attempt to acknowledge all radio transmissions so that we know you are still with us.
3. Check all gun switches hot with safety off.
4. Be aware of high terrain on the departure routing. Plan your climb profile accordingly.
5. Do not engage autopilot unless aircraft pitch and bank is close to desired autoflight setting.
Engagement with great disparity of actual pitch and bank from desired autoflight setting can lead to violent hardover autopilot signals which may produce G forces exceeding aircraft limitations.

Aircraft Specific Notes:

Arado 234:
Standard and default climbspeed is 249 IAS at 87% rpm.
If you loaded the gunpod, do not de-select RATO until just prior to the bomb run.
Do not fly Arado jets with drones until further notice. The Aces High II Arado drones are unreliable.

Standard and default climbspeed is 289 knots.
Be aware of, and avoid, compression.

Standard climbspeed is 140 IAS. Climb power is 43"MAP and 2400 RPM.

Martin B-26:
Standard climbspeed is 170 IAS. Climb power is 55" MAP and 2500 RPM.

Douglas A-20
Be aware of, and avoid, overspeeds. This airplane will disintegrate above Vne.

1. Cruise speed will normally be from 150 knots to 180 knots as announced by flight leader (usually faster in B-26 aircraft).
2. Keep tuned for target assignments so flight leader doesn't have to repeat them.
3. If you are a fighter escort, be prepared to pickle off all drop tanks in the event of enemy contact and engagement.
4. Keep in mind the effects of manifold pressure and rpm settings on fuel consumption and range.
5. If you do not run on auto fuel management, be aware of possible fuel tank inbalances and fuel starvation.
6. Be familiar with gun azimuth and elevation limits at different gun stations on bombers.

Bomb Run
1. Bomb runs are conducted at:
B-17: 150 IAS
B-26: 160 IAS
Arado 234 jet: 210-250 IAS
2. Maintain constant airspeed, no acceleration or deceleration.
3. Check salvo setting, bomb delay setting, and stick-set switch, well before opening bomb bay doors.
Verify the applicable ordnance is selected on the ordnance selection panel.
4. Double check bomb bay doors open so there are no unpleasant surprises over the target.
5. Complete the bombsight calibration procedures for the ver.1.10 bombsight (if applicable)
6. After drop, close bomb bay doors and throttle back to 150 knots so you don't sail out in front of the squad, alone.
7. It is Squadron policy to avoid multiple passes over the target. Do it right the first time.
8. Advise the flight leader when you are "winchester." This means you no longer have bombs on board.

1. Descents are normally conducted at 20% power and airspeeds of 180 to 230 knots. Try to keep formation for safety.
2. There is no reason to pickle off unused ordnance unless you have engine out or control problems.
3. Be alert for signs of compression in the Arado "Blitz" jet and Me262A-1 at high speeds.

1. Recommended 'over the fence' speeds (landing flaps selected):
B-17: 105 IAS
B-26: 115 IAS
Arado 234 jet: 105 IAS
Me262A-1: 120 IAS
*Note on jet: Keep in mind the old rule that applies to earlier jets which do not have speed brakes, drag chutes,
or thrust reversers. For every 2 knots you exceed the recommended landing speed, you will add 500 ft. to the
landing roll. Therefore, 10 knots over recommended speed would result in an additional 2500 ft. (nearly 1/2 mile)
2. Normal parking is on the hangar ramp where after-mission photos are taken.

1. Let your squad buddies know what is happening. Request escort if necessary.
2. Be familiar with Flying the Damaged B-17 in the Squadron Operations Manual.
3. Do not hesitate to land at a forward field. Jettison ordnance and/or drop tanks if necessary.
4. Shut down damaged jet engines before they seize or explode.
5. Consider shutting down damaged recip engines for possible re-start during approach to landing.

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